
They are aromatic flowers of plants selected for their high content of terpenes and aromas, free of THC (0.00%) and therefore have no psychoactive effect


THC 0,00%


ZeroCan are aromatic flowers from plants selected for their high content of terpenes and aromas, free of THC (0.00%) and therefore without psychoactive effect. Zerocan is the first brand in Europe to offer a range of THC-free flowers, that is, with no psychoactive effect, and with a high percentage of CBG, with relaxing effects. The raw material has not been genetically modified, but is the result of long research and selective breeding, grown from APC-certified seeds and following the rules of good agricultural practice, which is an additional guarantee of quality. Zerocan has been developed from the HURV19PAN genetics, popularly known as Panakeia, a THC-free variety (0.00%) with a high CBG content (18%).

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